
    2016 Summer Tune-Up Stroke Clinic @ Baylor

    2016 Summer Tune-Up Stroke Clinic Registration Information NOW Available


    The Baylor Swim Club will once again be offering it's Summer Tune-Up Stroke Clinic to get ready for the CASL Summer League Swim season.  The schedule, cost, and online registration is now available on www.baylorswimming.org.  See the link below.


    All registration for the 2016 year must be completed online. Phone or email registrations willNOT be accepted.




    About the Program

    Tune-up for the summer league season this spring by joining Baylor Swim Club's Summer Tune-Up: a spring stroke clinic and swim camp. Baylor’s top certified coaching staff will conduct a stroke clinic and camp to get you ready for the summer swim season. There will be a focus on technique in all the four strokes of freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly, along with the critical starts and turns, which can determine the success of your race. We will teach fundamentals of flexibility, body awareness, and core body strength in swimming. Guest speakers and High School All- American Baylor swimmers will also join in the fun to talk about their success as swimmers.

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